“A friendly hosting reference as well as a web hosting directory is launched for the benefit of web masters community,” shares the founder of the HostingRef web site. He reiterates, “HostingRef is not one that is paid to write reviews but it is started for the best interest of people who look forward to different web hosting packages such as low cost web hosting, budget web hosting and any discount hosting from hosting companies. In fact we will not do paid advertising on our site but those that have high customer ratings will be featured,” says the founder of the site.
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“The aim of our site is not mere collection of hosting news or hosting products and/or services that various web hosting companies append to their existent web hosting packages. Hostingref aims to organize various hosting related articles and news in to categorized database. Our new hosting reference directory welcomes all of the people involved in the web hosting industry to add to the articles, public to add comments, and help any and every web hosting related content that would be useful to the webmaster community,” tells the founder of the web site who possesses in depth knowledge about web hosting industry.
"Hostingref.com is not a technology-based platform or something you will see innovative. In a way I think you can treat the site as a network of webmasters who have been using different web hosting services," says the founder of Hostingref.com. He further adds that he believes in having an organized web hosting reference site where webmasters share their web hosting experiences with different providers.
He remarks, "when you’d switched over a few of the web hosting providers, when you have tried different Cpanels you will be knowing things that others don’t and you might want to share the same with others." He confesses that an idea to launch the HostingRef came to his mind when he was searching for quality sites that had enough information on web hosting.
"When I knew that there wasn’t any site with decent and reliable web hosting reviews content, I planned to build one that website businesses and web hosting obsessed could really bookmark, read and share the categories in their social networks", says the founder of HostingRef.
Before you browse to get information on inexpensive Web hosting services it is vital to understand the concept of Web Hosting, which will enable you to progress further in accepting such a service that will fit your bill. Web hosting basically is a data center adopted by companies or organisations that offer space to their customers in a specially owned server that gives access to Internet connection. Not only this, the Web Host can also give its client the desired space on their server, which is either owned or leased. There are other facilities too such as Web interface, Image hosting, Video hosting, Blog Hosting and etc that can be availed through Web hosting.
The process of Web hosting will give you the liberty to publish Web Pages on the Internet by the user and making the information accessible to other Internet users thus expanding your network and reach, which will be vast. And to opt for such a remarkable service you need to devote a lot of effort and time to get the best of Web Hosting facilities that is efficient and reliable.
While you look out for the most ideal Web hosting service, you may come across thousands of offers and you need to play them smart instead of getting confused. The smart way to deal in such a scenario is to compare the prices, read some reviews on different Web Hosts and then decide on the best offer. You may strike a good deal with some best low cost web hosting. And do not worry of making a hole in your pocket for you can chance upon a cheap web hosting service that is affordable even if you have budget constraints. But all this requires some bit of research on from your end to avail a good offer.
If you wish to air a small website then a Budget Web hosting package will be a good option and such plans give you great offers. These Budget Web hosting services will just suit you fine if you do not have great expectations regarding numerous facilities that do not serve your purpose.
There are many special offers that will make your job easier and cheaper if the host offers discount web hosting in the form of coupons or vouchers that will do a whole of good to your pocket for sure.
“You can read and use and share web hosting content at HostingRef and I believe you will appreciate my initiative to start a directory like HostingRef. The site will not have paid advertising space, but we advertise a web hosting based on customer ratings and reviews” says the founder.
About HostingRef:
HostingRef.com strives to be an informative resource for any/every web hosting needs. You can contact them with any suggestions, comments or overall feedback, by an email: info@hostingref.com
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