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How To Promote A Real Estate Business Website?

How To Promote A Real Estate Business Website?

How To Promote A Real Estate Business Website?

Do you have a real estate business and want to promote and expand the business towards a target audience? The first step towards promoting the business online is designing a website to increase online visibility for the business. The SEO optimized website helps in the attractive target audience and turn into potential buyers.

You should care about UI and UX when going to create website for real estate business. UI full form is user interface and UX full form is user experience. If website is good in looking and SEO optimized then you will get more leads in compare of normal responsive website.

Now that you have developed the website, it is crucial to devise strategies to promote the website online. This helps in increasing the organic traffic for the website, increasing lead conversion and hence overall sales. SEO optimization is a great tactic to divert organic traffic to the website.

​Promote Yourself or Hire Professional Digital Marketing Agency

If you have enough time and knowledge of SEO then start promotion of real estate business or hire any professional digital marketing agency like Promote WWW. Benefit of hiring a professional agency is you will get quick results because they are using many SEO tools like SEMrush, Ahref etc to check competition, analyze complete websites, backlinks along with competitors' websites. They start promotion according to your keywords like on page optimization, off page optimization.

Contents always play a big role in promotion, So try to create unique and informative contents for content marketing. Professional digital marketing agency managing team of writing experts. So, if you will hire them then you can get content more quickly than you expect. They have complete details of competitors websites and so link building and other promotional services will start accordingly to boost your real estate business online.

If you want to start real estate business promotion at your own ends then see few steps below to promote website ranking, traffics and branding.

1. Email Marketing and Newsletter

Did you know email marketing is one of the most effective direct selling strategies? Email marketing helps in capturing leads and sending out newsletters and relevant information to the email list. Add a link to your website or use an email signature as a foot of all the emails. 

Add the link for the website with a smart and inviting message to increase the clicks by the target audience and redirect to the website. The powerful CTA with website link helps in increasing organic traffic and turn help with lead generation and prospective sales.

Email marketing improve business branding. Try to create a well designed email template with company logo. So, user can identify easily business / company. Good and attractive email template will help in additional lead generation. Always create very informative contents for email marketing because professional contents also help in lead generation and business branding.

2. Content Marketing 

The use of a blog on the website helps in generating organic traffic with help of SEO. One of the great ways is to create SEO optimized blogs and articles related to real estate which are informative and helpful. Here are some power SEO tactics to use:

  • Use the right keyword after good research for writing the article or blog content. There are many things to care at writing time but few important are try to increase readability score, try to avoid keywords stuffing because search engines love fresh, informative contents.

  • Choose the power of backlinks to get redirected to the website. Try guest blogging for websites that have similar niche market and high domain authority. Sometimes you can choose high authority website to get high quality backlinks like hubpages, ezinearticles etc. because these types of websites manage high traffics, so, backlinks from these types of website will improve your domain authority, popularity, branding and organic traffic.

  • Optimize the loading speed of the page and ensure to compress the photos for quick website loading. Page speed optimization one of the main and basic factors which will impact website ranking directly. If your website loading time is better than other mean search engine will give you priority.

  • Few more main things are use SSL for your domain because Google announce many years ago that he will give priority to those websites who are using SSL because its safe for visitors, use always your main keywords in title tag, description tag and body contents because if your title keyword is not define in body contents then search engine will ignore website if any people will search for your keywords online.


Content marketing can be done through various ways like guest blogging for high-end real estate blogs, posting quality content on the website, PR articles etc. 

3. Add a Link to the Website on social media 

Social media is powerful to help reach the target audience with billions of global users. To promote the real estate website, add the link to the website on posts for Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Add a swipe link on the Instagram story if you have 10K+ followers. 

Social media marketing has helped in driving higher traffic to the website when it is done in the right way. Share content from the website on social media and increase the reach through shares, reshares, comments, and click on the content link. 

4. Drive through PPC Campaigns

The pay per click (PPC) is an affordable yet effective campaign that helps in driving traffic to the website. It is best to hire a freelance or third party PPC advertising and management company to design PPC ads for the website with the goal of higher click and website redirect. 

The best part of the PPC campaigns is that the money is only deducted based on the clicks. If there is a click, it redirects the customer or audience to the website and hence money is deducted only per click basis. Make sure to set the objective right for the PPC campaigns for promoting the real estate website.


Try to use PPC campaign with SEO services because search engine optimization is time taking process, you will see result in few weeks or months but with PPC you can get instant traffics for your selected keywords from targeted locations. Once you will get good position in search engines for targeted keywords then you will get lots of organic traffic for free and for long time.

Source : How To Promote A Real Estate Business Website?

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