Generally all directories have their own set of guidelines, and they follow all guidelines when approving sites. Common and most guidelines are given below which is follow by generally all directory editors when deciding on whether to approve site into their directory. Make sure that you follow these guidelines when you submitting you site to directory because it will increase you approving chances.
According to submission experts there are mainly seven main parts is essential for ideal submission.
On title base we can make two group directories, One which are support title with keywords and second do not support title with keywords, this types of directory tell us for use the Official Name or URL of site, and we should also follow the guidelines of such directory otherwise our site or link will be rejected, e.g. if you site URL is then you should use this url as title or official name like "RS Seo Solution" – note if RS Seo Solution is keywords but you want also to promote with your name then you have to change it also to owner name like "Suraj Anjaana Seo Solution Services".
Many Seo web directories accept title with keywords to describe the site. In such cases you should follow point as given below because it will make ideal title and this type of title will support your site to get good PR.
Description is also main part of directory submission, you should make sure that you description is fully belongs from your site content, because currently most of search engine make description and keywords for self record after crawl you website's pages, so if your description is differ from your site content then it can be consider as garbage. So keep in mind that description should be site content weight full with keyword (Not keywords stuffing).
Some guidelines for make ideal description are given below :
As describe above in ‘Guidelines of description’ that most of search engine make description and keywords for self record after crawl you website’s pages, Like this most of directories does not strict about what you enter in keyword field but for good response from any directories you should follow their guidelines and according to common guidelines of directory you have to make sure that you don’t repeat any keyword more than once and also make sure you have the keywords entered in the format required. Some directories may require you to enter each keywords separated by a comma, e.g. keyword1, keyword2 – while some may require the keywords to be separated by a space.
Category is like a home for your link, so you have to enter them as possible as related home. Many people who are related to Directory submission make the mistake of selecting the category too fast without checking if there would be a more relevant category.
Take the time to go through the directory’s choice of categories and choose the most appropriate category. For some directories, where you’re not able to find a suitable category, you may even suggest a relevant category (if the directory allows you to do so) and if the directory editor finds it suitable, your site would be added under the newly created category you suggested.
Not many directories are particular about the kind of url or domain you have but make sure you:
A few directories are particular about not accepting sites where the email address included belongs to a free account like yahoo, hotmail or gmail. This is applicable in very few cases. It is preferable to include the email address of your site domain, e.g. if you’re submitting, try and use Although don’t worry too much about this as there are very few directories that are particular about the email address entered.
Apart from following the guidelines given in each directory about the kind of sites that are acceptable to them, here are a few other general guidelines about a site’s content that most directories are particular about:
Many directories get plenty of submissions a day and it could take just one reason for an editor to reject your site. So be careful and try and stick as close to the guidelines as possible.
At Directory Maximizer, we make sure that we follow these guidelines as closely as possible. To save the time and effort involved in submitting to all seo friendly directories, you may want to consider using our manually directory submission service.
18 Nov 2023
14 Nov 2023
13 Mar 2023
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