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How To Handle Negativity And Bad Reviews On Social Media

How To Handle Negativity And Bad Reviews On Social Media

How To Handle Negativity And Bad Reviews On Social Media

Social media is an excellent place for staying in contact with family and friends and meeting communities of like-minded people interested in the same things as you are.

However, as much as social media can be a fun place to meet great people, some social media users are simply out to cause trouble.

Often referred to as trolls, these social media users set out to disrupt the peace by creating negative spam comments on businesses’ social profiles or simply arguing with other people and being a nuisance.

While dealing with trolls and negativity can be a significant pain in the butt, there are some things to keep in mind to mitigate any damage they may try to do to your social reputation.

Below, we’re taking a look at how to handle negativity and bad reviews from trolls and other unhappy social media users.

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Wait, Think, And Then React

Suppose you’re a business owner and you’ve ever woken up one morning to find a whole bunch of negative comments or bad reviews on your social media. In that case, you already know how heartbreaking and damaging this can be.

Naturally, your first reaction might be to fight back, trying to defend your honour, and chase the unhappy users off your profile.

Especially if the person is attacking your business, branding, business cards, logo, etc it can often feel like a personal attack.

However, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is arguing or yelling at an unhappy customer.

Even if that person is truly at fault and you haven’t done anything wrong to deserve their negativity, don’t react until you’ve had time to think about the best way to approach the situation.

In other cases, maybe the unhappy customer has a valid point. If so, make sure to take a few breaths and create a plan to confront the situation without making things any worse.

Confront The Situation

Now that you’ve given yourself some time to cool down, the best thing to do is contact that unhappy customer or visitor to look into the validity of their claim.

If you or your business is at fault, start by asking them what happened and what they would like you to do to remedy the situation.

If the two of you can come to a resolution, that’s great!

However, suppose you’re unable to find a solution or find no truth to their claims. In that case, it’s important to remember to remain cool, calm, collected, and professional as you explain that you haven’t done anything wrong.

Moving On

Sometimes, the most challenging thing we’ll do in life is moving on. And that can be said whether we’re talking about leaving a long relation or walking away from a negative situation on social media.

In some cases, people are plain mean, and there’ll be nothing you can do to resolve their complaints.

Therefore, it’s vital that you understand that you’ll also have the option to block, report, or mute these people to help protect your business.

Note that you shouldn’t go around reporting anybody that says anything against your business.

However, if people are genuinely rude, disrespectful, mean, racist, or vulgar, you need to know when to throw in the towel and move on!

Don’t Take It Personally

The final piece of advice that I can give you is that you should never take things personally, even when you’re dealing with the meanest, most rude of the trolls.

Sometimes, it’s simply impossible to keep everybody happy all of the time.

Therefore, don’t take it personally when a single person gives you a hard time, especially if this is an isolated occurrence, and you have many other happy, satisfied customers to vouch for you and your business’ reputation on social media.

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