Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a practise that includes lots of thing, techniques, and some kind of research also. It is not a one or two day practise, it is a regular practise. Over the years, SEO practises keep changes but there is one thing that has not been changed and that is Keyword research. Because ‘Content is King’, that’s why keyword research matters a lot. Keyword research and analysis is one of the most valuable skills in SEO practise. So here we understand all about keywords and how to use keywords for SEO.
Keywords word is made with two words; key + words. In my words, if you have the key of a lock, you can open or crack the locker. Keyword is just like that. It is just an idea and topic that define what your content is about. In simple words, keywords are the ‘words’ and ‘phrases’ that searchers enter into search engines. The search engines understand your queries and bring different websites and information about related query in front of you on your computer screen. Then you can learn about your query. These queries are called Keywords that has an important role in SEO.
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All the website owners and content creators need to understand what people are looking for so that search engine can find you and your searcher can also find you otherwise your searcher can land on any other website. SEO compatible keywords will help your site rank above your competitors. That is why keywords are one of the first & the most important steps even the foundation in any Search Engine Optimization initiative.
Here are some points where we can easily understand the importance of keywords.
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Now you understand that how keywords are important for your content and website. If you want traffic in your website, you need to find out your keywords but do some research also before selecting. There are some boundaries also where you need to take care while using keywords in your content. Here are some points:
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